Naantje Knit knitting patterns are the result of a time-consuming, creative process. Inspiration often comes from nature. First there is a germinating idea, then there is knitting experiments to try out stitches. Then, when the picture becomes clearer, a start of a project. This is also regularly removed from it until it suddenly all fits. During this process, the laptop is on your lap and knitting is alternated with making charts and typing descriptions.
When the prototype has finally been knitted and the pattern has been worked out, it is time to start testing. I am blessed with a group of very sweet and precise ladies who test knit the patterns while putting every dot and comma in the right place,
The pattern is then translated into English and then often also into German.
Almost all patterns are on Ravelry, but can also be bought and downloaded here. Do you want them on Ravelry too? Enter your name on Ravelry when ordering or send me a message on Ravelry with your order number.
Tip: if you look up a pattern on Ravelry and look at the projects, you see what others have done with the pattern. For example, which yarns and colors they have combined.
There is also a book. Quartet, 4 shawls for 4 seasons. The beautiful lace shawl Kievietbloemen is exclusively designed for the book and is not available separately.
As soon as bottles of time can be found somewhere, more books may follow.
KALs (knit a longs) are a great way to knit a pattern in groups at a time. This is fun and informative at the same time. The KALs are hosted on YouTube during the VIB (virtual interactive knitting café). Each part of the pattern is extensively discussed and demonstrated. Because the broadcasts are live, questions can be asked via the chat.
Most patterns are released in this way and the patterns on the YouTube channel each have their own playlist, so that all videos about a pattern are clearly arranged.